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Ethan Klein came round to TikTok once more after having been away for some time. After posting an TikTok video in which he replied to TrishaPaytas's humorous videos about his condition, TikTok mysteriously deleted it. Hila Klein is Ethan Klein's wife, who has built an impressive online following due to the YouTube channel she runs. His humorous style of videos is a great fit for and on the TikTok platform. He believes that the ability to create a duet video allows him to react and comment on varying types of material. The past few years, he made videos only on TikTok in order to promote his highly-rated podcast and YouTube channel. Ethan Klein, in response Trisha's video post, returned to the platform to upload an duet he recorded together with Trisha. Ethan Klein began by criticizing the social media stars for using excessive editing and filtering on their account. TrishaPaytas, as an instance was mocked from Ethan Klein. Trisha Paytas was unhappy by his conduct and went on Twitter to criticize the man filthy and rude. Then she went even further and mentioned Ethan's wife, Hila, in many of her posts. Hila is on the other hand is a different story

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